Hi ECFers,
Here are the latest postings of ECF events, ECFer/sector-shared event, tool
and opportunity announcements.
Join the events announcements-only list
<https://fairsayforum.com/join/lists/events.campaigningforum.com/> to only
get event and resource roundups directly without being part of the ECF
discussion list or other listing:
*Include your event or announcement *by emailing me (
duane.raymond(a)fairsay.com, subject: Event listing) *before Sunday
midnight* (GMT
time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.
Official Campaigning Forum events
1. *European Campaign Forum <https://campaignforum.eu/>: Oct 23-24,
Berlin (apply now)*
The next ECF event is the European Campaign Forum in Berlin
<https://campaignforum.eu/> bringing together *participants from across
Europe*. Not only is Berlin easy to get to by train from all over
Europe, its central location means it has participants from countries all
around it and beyond. It is held in English, but participants are welcome
to switch to other languages if it suits the group participants.
2. *Save the date*: Campaigning Forum Oxford, *2025*: Apr 8-10
Partner events
1. *Sep 2024-Apr 2025: MA/Certificate in Media, Campaigning and Social
of Westminster). Enrol for this innovative course was founded by two ECFers
to create an academic course in campaigning - and has alumi from around the
world. Course lead Michaela O'Brien will be hosting ECF
Re-Ignite events in late July <https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> if
you wish to talk to her about it and meet students/alumni.
Sector events
1. *Online: *Facilitating Collective Power Lab
*When*: July 29th & 30th or July 31st & August 1st
Posted by: dirk slater, FabRiders
*What*: We will explore the different power domains in which
change-makers operate and how to effectively design and facilitate power
analysis and strategy sessions to help them move more effectively towards
success. We will also explore how to identify, practice and support
“facilitative leadership”. We will compile facilitation best practices that
help us ‘walk the walk’.
By the end of the workshop, you will have greater expertise in
developing community-centric strategies that support movements and drive
real change. Learn more and register here:
https://www.fabriders.net/facilitating-collective-power/ Note an “Apply
for Scholarship” link at the bottom of those pages for anyone who might
find the registration fee a barrier to participating.
2. *Berlin Campaigners Meet-up Summer Social
*When*: Thursday 1 August, 7pm CEST,
*Where*: Birgit beer garden <https://maps.app.goo.gl/wPbN8ygxWRVdRp6e7>,
Schleusenufer 3, 10997 Berlin
*What*: An opportunity for people involved in campaigning, digital, and
similar fields who live in Berlin to get together informally to chat and
3. Action Learning Sets for Emerging Leaders in campaigning organisations
Posted by Rummena Begum, rummena.begum(a)smk.org.uk
*When*: October 2024
*Overview*: We are running a new action learning set for emerging
leaders in campaigning organisations. This will build on SMK's experience
of running sets at diverse levels since autumn 2023 in partnership with
charity co-founder and experienced action learning set facilitator,
Josephine Knowles.
We hope this will appeal to new line managers in campaigning
organisations and people who are managing a campaigning workstream or
campaigning team. We're offering a 10% discount to anyone who books a place
by mid-August! To find out more, please head to:
4. Online: How to develop effective campaign strategies
When: 15 Oct 2024
What: An in-depth session for experienced campaigners and leaders. for
Chief Executives, senior leaders, community leaders and emerging leaders
who want to explore how to do campaign strategy better. Run by SMK Head of
Programmes Kath Christie and SMK Associate and former CEO Julia Beart. See
more at
5. London: How to own the room: a workshop on public speaking
When: 16 Oct 2024
What: A hands-on workshop for anyone looking to work on their
influencing skills, presence, and charisma, whether your focus is on
building strong relationships in one-to-one meetings or expressing campaign
messages succinctly in front of an audience. Viv will draw on her
experience as a comedian and presenter for this session on achieving a
compelling connection in any context, anxiety-free. Run by comedian and
BBC Radio 4 presenter Viv Groskop. You can find out more at
Community member offer
*Introducing Emma Lawton - inspirational speaker
<http://www.emmalawton.co.uk/> *Posted by Emma Lawton hi(a)emmalawton.co.uk
I'm a keynote and inspirational speaker who's given talks to many
charities and big corporates alike. I normally work through an agency, who
obviously put a mark up on top) During this month I'm offering to really
reduce my rates (average talk is about 1/5 of my usual fee) because I know
that post-covid there are a lot of people struggling to get 'back to normal
life' (work and home). You can find out more about me here
Having worked in the charity sector for a number of years I have a good
network of connections who are booking and sharing this for me but I would
really love to offer it wider. My main topics are around resilience and
change and I'm qualified in Mental Health first aidand advocacy. See
more about me at http://www.emmalawton.co.uk/
On demand trainings
1. *Online, on demand: Improve the conversion rates on your campaign
landing pages <https://boagworld.com/l/campaign-landing-pages/>*
Posted by Paul Boag paul(a)boagworks.com
A 16 part email course detailing how to improve the conversion rate of
any campaign landing page.
Research and survey requests
1. *Results of the 2024 UK / Ireland Charity Digital Benchmarks Study
*Posted by* Paul de Gregorio Email: degregorio.paul(a)gmail.com
The study reviews data supplied by participants and creates benchmarks
for key measures across email, paid advertising, fundraising, website,
mobile, and social media performance. Watch the 2024 study launch
webinar back on YouTube <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4D_8K4NZR0>.
Read top takeaways from the study
*Research invite: Climate Activism and Digital Media Engagement Metrics
(for Canada or India based campaigners) Posted b*y smehta(a)trentu.ca
Swati Mehta, PhD Candidate, Department of Cultural Studies, Trent University
*About me*: I'm a long time ECFer and I worked in digital communications
and campaigning for - starting at Greenpeace India back in 2010. Now turned
to academia and I am a PhD candidate at Trent University, Peterborough On,
Canada, studying the relationship between engagement metrics and digital
organisers in the climate movement. I'm hoping to bring together some of
those experiences along with the expertise of the wider digital
community in my research with the objective of producing something that
useful for the wider community.
*About the research*: I’m inviting digital organisers based in India or
Canada and over 18 years of age to join a study on the influence of
engagement metrics and
digital organising in the climate movement. Selected participants will be
requested to complete a survey and interview. All participants will
e-gift cards of $10 and $25 CAD or their equivalent in INR for completing
the survey and interview, respectively.They will also have an option to
join a workshop to collaboratively develop a qualitative framework for
evaluating engagement. I use the term digital organiser broadly to
activists working independently or in organisation, as well as creative
producers such as artists, musicians, content creators, and influencers,
who are advocating for climate action on digital media platforms. I’m
particularly interested in hearing from Gen Z, millennial, and older
digital organisers working on climate or environmental issues in India
You are more than welcome to share the survey link with colleagues /
consultants / collaborators in your networks. Details about the study,
terms of consent and the application itself can be accessed here:
1. How can organisations value lived experience in the right way?
Posted by Khudija - khudija(a)thesocialchangeagency.org
See the new Payment for Involvement Playbook
This is a comprehensive guide to everything organisations need to create a
fair and equitable payment for involvement policy. It
incorporates extensive research, best practice from a learning community of
over 170+ organisations, and insights from leading experts including the
National Institute for Health and Care Research, Citizens Advice and the
Department for Work and Pensions.
Platform and tool announcements
*PostBug: get noticed by new MPs with printed postcards *Now that Labour
have won the UK election, MPs will already be getting thousands of emails
even before they have their pass and staff. So you need a way to stand
out. PostBug.com offers that by enabling your supporters to *send real
printed postcards and letters* from their device. Printed postcards and
letters get noticed because they are *physical, tactile, portable with a
presence* when designed well and piled up on a desk or notice board.
Plus less is more: it only takes a few to be noticed. See possibilities
<https://postbug.app/solutions> and case studies
<https://postbug.app/case-studies> and request a demo
(Disclosure: PostBug is run by FairSay)
PS: To have your event or announcement included, email me before Sunday
midnight (any time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.
Duane Raymond (pronouns: he/him)
FairSay - Making Campaigning Count
UK: +44 (0)207 993 4200
Switzerland: +41 (0)43 538 3641
Skype: fairsay
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/duane
Web: https://fairsay.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fairsay
FairSay is a ltd. company registered in England and Wales. Reg. No. 5244802
Hi everyone,
For the last three months, I've co-organised free in-person events (they
hosted and I mainly promoted) in London: one during the election period,
one after and one last evening. These had low turnout (people signed up on
Meetup but didn't show up).
So as we take a pause and review if we organise more, I'd live to hear
off/on list (so others can learn), I'd like to ask: *are in-person events
are still interesting and relevant for you?*
(and if you signed up and didn't show up, don't apologise - that is normal
for events as we have to make decisions about what is best for each of us
and plans change!)
..so I could (and will) do this in a survey, but a discussion helps shape
the survey!
If in-person events *are* relevant...
1. *What stopped you* from joining one of the in-person events? (timing,
location, weather, working from home, un-interesting events, covid
concerns, heard about it too late, caring responsibility, etc)?
2. *What would get you to RSVP* for an in-person event and actually show
3. *What do you like most* about in-person events?
4. *What in-person events have you gone to* in the last year? Would you
go again? Why?
5. *What input do you have* for me organising future interesting
in-person events that you would show up to?
If in-person events are *not* relevant...
1. *Why?* e.g. concerns about covid, you live too far away, you don't
like evening events (or don't like work-day events, caring responsibility,
), your work life is now mostly online, etc.
2. *Would anything* make an in-person event appealing? What?
3. What type of online events do you want to see more of?
*I love in-person events*.
It is less the speakers for me and much more who else is there. It is not
that I love networking (I feel awkward if I don't know anyone), but when
done well (open space/unconference) the conversations are top quality and
very insightful AND I get to meet new people without feeling awkward
because they share an interest.
I also thing professionally at a good in-person event (especially ECF 2-day
event style) I learn more in 2 days that I would in 2 years of working at a
desk and online events.
I experience it like the difference between a quick dry sandwich for lunch
and a Gourmet restaurant serving most of your favourite food: I can't/won't
go to a gourmet restaurant every day/week/month but when I do I'll love
every minute!
For me, in-person events are spoiling my mind and my spirit. They renew me
in ways nothing else can (and ECF events are nothing like normal
events)...so I and trying to understand if it is just me who feels this way
about in-person events or if there are others out there!
Duane Raymond (pronouns: he/him)
FairSay - Making Campaigning Count
UK: +44 (0)207 993 4200
Switzerland: +41 (0)43 538 3641
Skype: fairsay
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/duane
Web: https://fairsay.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fairsay
FairSay is a ltd. company registered in England and Wales. Reg. No. 5244802
Hi everyone,
Last call for events tonight in London and tomorrow *online* (details for
both below)
These are a followup to the last two online calls and last two in-person
ECF re-ignite meetings.
From the last zoom call (Discussion/sharing: New UK Government: What do we
do now?), the key points were:
1. Consider how to balance insider/outsider campaigning approaches with
the new government.
2. Prepare for potential increased summer work and engagement with
3. Review and potentially update their strategies for engaging with
opposition parties.
4. Consider how to offer value/support to new MPs and their staff.
5. Be prepared to capitalize on unexpected events that may make their
issues more relevant.
You can watch/listen to the discussion here <https://youtu.be/zZU4JvWCufs>
or see the whole series so far on influencing the UK government after 14
years of the Conservatives:
Tonight and tomorrow:
1. *London: Campaigning 'Re-ignite' event
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/299950990/> (*this week
*) When: Wed. Jul 24 6pm*
*Register via Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/299950990/> or Luma
<https://lu.ma/london-reignite-2407>* (see all ECF events on Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> and Luma
*Overview*: In what many consider as a ‘tired’ and ‘broken’ Britain that
has just delivered a landslide victory for the Labour party, how can a
focus on ‘care’ help organisations to campaign effectively for social and
environmental change? Presentation and discussion lead by Anastasia
(linkedin <https://www.linkedin.com/in/anastasiakavada/>)
*Why join?*: Re-connect with peers and meet new people from past
ECF events, the community and professors, alumni and students of the MA of
Media, Campaigning and Social change (U. of Westminster): the host (and
2. *ONLINE: *Understanding Labour's approach to government (NEW)
*When: Thu 25 Jul 11:00-12:00 BST (Zoom). Register*:
*Overview: *Hike Harris, CEO of of 89up, will share his experience
talking to dozens of new ministers and the PM about their plans when they
were shadow ministers. What does a missions-based approach means for civil
society, campaigning and advocacy? How is Labour approaching the job of
government and what do we know about the new government's plans for the
first year of power? How can civil society influence the government in the
era of a super-majority and what are the opportunities to influence? An
insiders' perspective of how to think about the new government and the
parliamentary Labour party.
Duane Raymond (pronouns: he/him)
FairSay - Making Campaigning Count
UK: +44 (0)207 993 4200
Switzerland: +41 (0)43 538 3641
Skype: fairsay
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/duane
Web: https://fairsay.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fairsay
FairSay is a ltd. company registered in England and Wales. Reg. No. 5244802
Hi ECFers,
Here are the latest postings of ECF events, ECFer/sector-shared event, tool
and opportunity announcements. Note there are some fab in-person events
coming up in Cardiff and London...and *if you wish to organise your own
local ECF Re-Ignite event, let me know* and I can support you.
Join the events announcements-only list
<https://fairsayforum.com/join/lists/events.campaigningforum.com/> to only
get event and resource roundups directly without being part of the ECF
discussion list or other listing:
*Include your event or announcement *by emailing me (
duane.raymond(a)fairsay.com, subject: Event listing) *before Sunday
midnight* (GMT
time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.
Official Campaigning Forum events
1. *London: Campaigning 'Re-ignite' event
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/299950990/> (*this week
*) When: Wed. Jul 24 6pm*
*Register via Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/299950990/> or Luma
<https://lu.ma/london-reignite-2407>* (see all ECF events on Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> and Luma
*Overview*: In what many consider as a ‘tired’ and ‘broken’ Britain that
has just delivered a landslide victory for the Labour party, how can a
focus on ‘care’ help organisations to campaign effectively for social and
environmental change? Presentation and discussion lead by Anastasia
(linkedin <https://www.linkedin.com/in/anastasiakavada/>)
*Why join?*: Re-connect with peers and meet new people from past
ECF events, the community and professors, alumni and students of the MA of
Media, Campaigning and Social change (U. of Westminster): the host (and
2. *ONLINE: *Understanding Labour's approach to government (NEW)
*When: Thu 25 Jul 11:00-12:00 BST (Zoom). Register*:
*Overview: *Hike Harris, CEO of of 89up, will share his experience
talking to dozens of new ministers and the PM about their plans when they
were shadow ministers. What does a missions-based approach means for civil
society, campaigning and advocacy? How is Labour approaching the job of
government and what do we know about the new government's plans for the
first year of power? How can civil society influence the government in the
era of a super-majority and what are the opportunities to influence? An
insiders' perspective of how to think about the new government and the
parliamentary Labour party.
3. *European Campaign Forum <https://campaignforum.eu/>: Oct 23-24,
Berlin (apply now)*
The next ECF event is the European Campaign Forum in Berlin
<https://campaignforum.eu/> bringing together *participants from across
Europe*. Not only is Berlin easy to get to by train from all over
Europe, its central location means it has participants from countries all
around it and beyond. It is held in English, but participants are welcome
to switch to other languages if it suits the group participants.
4. *Save the date*: Campaigning Forum Oxford, *2025*: Apr 8-10
Partner events
1. *Sep 2024-Apr 2025: MA/Certificate in Media, Campaigning and Social
of Westminster). Enrol for this innovative course was founded by two ECFers
to create an academic course in campaigning - and has alumi from around the
world. Course lead Michaela O'Brien will be hosting ECF
Re-Ignite events in late July <https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> if
you wish to talk to her about it and meet students/alumni.
Sector events
1. *Online: Strategies for Fundraising Success
<https://thesocialchangenest.org/webinar/strategic-fundraising/> *(Part
of our Fundraising Masterclass for Community Groups and Grassroots
*When*: Monday, July 22nd, 2024 1:00 - 1:45 PM BST (free)
*Overview*: Feeling overwhelmed by the world of fundraising? 🤯 You're
not alone. That's why we're teaming up with expert fundraiser Kate Ferrie
(20+ years of fundraising experience) to deliver a virtual fundraising
masterclass for community groups and grassroots movements.
In the session we'll be diving into essential strategies for raising
strategically, and *how to fundraise without it becoming a burden on your
time and resources* 💸 See
2. *Online: *Facilitating Collective Power Lab
*When*: July 29th & 30th or July 31st & August 1st
Posted by: dirk slater, FabRiders
*What*: We will explore the different power domains in which
change-makers operate and how to effectively design and facilitate power
analysis and strategy sessions to help them move more effectively towards
success. We will also explore how to identify, practice and support
“facilitative leadership”. We will compile facilitation best practices that
help us ‘walk the walk’.
By the end of the workshop, you will have greater expertise in
developing community-centric strategies that support movements and drive
real change. Learn more and register here:
https://www.fabriders.net/facilitating-collective-power/ Note an “Apply
for Scholarship” link at the bottom of those pages for anyone who might
find the registration fee a barrier to participating.
3. *Berlin Campaigners Meet-up Summer Social
*When*: Thursday 1 August, 7pm CEST,
*Where*: Birgit beer garden <https://maps.app.goo.gl/wPbN8ygxWRVdRp6e7>,
Schleusenufer 3, 10997 Berlin
*What*: An opportunity for people involved in campaigning, digital, and
similar fields who live in Berlin to get together informally to chat and
4. Action Learning Sets for Emerging Leaders in campaigning organisations
Posted by Rummena Begum, rummena.begum(a)smk.org.uk
*When*: October 2024
*Overview*: We are running a new action learning set for emerging
leaders in campaigning organisations. This will build on SMK's experience
of running sets at diverse levels since autumn 2023 in partnership with
charity co-founder and experienced action learning set facilitator,
Josephine Knowles.
We hope this will appeal to new line managers in campaigning
organisations and people who are managing a campaigning workstream or
campaigning team. We're offering a 10% discount to anyone who books a place
by mid-August! To find out more, please head to:
5. Online: How to develop effective campaign strategies
When: 15 Oct 2024
What: An in-depth session for experienced campaigners and leaders. for
Chief Executives, senior leaders, community leaders and emerging leaders
who want to explore how to do campaign strategy better. Run by SMK Head of
Programmes Kath Christie and SMK Associate and former CEO Julia Beart. See
more at
6. London: How to own the room: a workshop on public speaking
When: 16 Oct 2024
What: A hands-on workshop for anyone looking to work on their
influencing skills, presence, and charisma, whether your focus is on
building strong relationships in one-to-one meetings or expressing campaign
messages succinctly in front of an audience. Viv will draw on her
experience as a comedian and presenter for this session on achieving a
compelling connection in any context, anxiety-free. Run by comedian and
BBC Radio 4 presenter Viv Groskop. You can find out more at
Community member offer
*Introducing Emma Lawton - inspirational speaker
<http://www.emmalawton.co.uk/> *Posted by Emma Lawton hi(a)emmalawton.co.uk
I'm a keynote and inspirational speaker who's given talks to many
charities and big corporates alike. I normally work through an agency, who
obviously put a mark up on top) During this month I'm offering to really
reduce my rates (average talk is about 1/5 of my usual fee) because I know
that post-covid there are a lot of people struggling to get 'back to normal
life' (work and home). You can find out more about me here
Having worked in the charity sector for a number of years I have a good
network of connections who are booking and sharing this for me but I would
really love to offer it wider. My main topics are around resilience and
change and I'm qualified in Mental Health first aidand advocacy. See
more about me at http://www.emmalawton.co.uk/
On demand trainings
1. *Online, on demand: Improve the conversion rates on your campaign
landing pages <https://boagworld.com/l/campaign-landing-pages/>*
Posted by Paul Boag paul(a)boagworks.com
A 16 part email course detailing how to improve the conversion rate of
any campaign landing page.
Academic surveys
*Research invite: Climate Activism and Digital Media Engagement Metrics
(for Canada or India based campaigners) Posted b*y smehta(a)trentu.ca
Swati Mehta, PhD Candidate, Department of Cultural Studies, Trent University
*About me*: I'm a long time ECFer and I worked in digital communications
and campaigning for - starting at Greenpeace India back in 2010. Now turned
to academia and I am a PhD candidate at Trent University, Peterborough On,
Canada, studying the relationship between engagement metrics and digital
organisers in the climate movement. I'm hoping to bring together some of
those experiences along with the expertise of the wider digital
community in my research with the objective of producing something that
useful for the wider community.
*About the research*: I’m inviting digital organisers based in India or
Canada and over 18 years of age to join a study on the influence of
engagement metrics and
digital organising in the climate movement. Selected participants will be
requested to complete a survey and interview. All participants will
e-gift cards of $10 and $25 CAD or their equivalent in INR for completing
the survey and interview, respectively.They will also have an option to
join a workshop to collaboratively develop a qualitative framework for
evaluating engagement. I use the term digital organiser broadly to
activists working independently or in organisation, as well as creative
producers such as artists, musicians, content creators, and influencers,
who are advocating for climate action on digital media platforms. I’m
particularly interested in hearing from Gen Z, millennial, and older
digital organisers working on climate or environmental issues in India
You are more than welcome to share the survey link with colleagues /
consultants / collaborators in your networks. Details about the study,
terms of consent and the application itself can be accessed here:
1. How can organisations value lived experience in the right way?
Posted by Khudija - khudija(a)thesocialchangeagency.org
See the new Payment for Involvement Playbook
This is a comprehensive guide to everything organisations need to create a
fair and equitable payment for involvement policy. It
incorporates extensive research, best practice from a learning community of
over 170+ organisations, and insights from leading experts including the
National Institute for Health and Care Research, Citizens Advice and the
Department for Work and Pensions.
Platform and tool announcements
*PostBug: get noticed by new MPs with printed postcards *Now that Labour
have won the UK election, MPs will already be getting thousands of emails
even before they have their pass and staff. So you need a way to stand
out. PostBug.com offers that by enabling your supporters to *send real
printed postcards and letters* from their device. Printed postcards and
letters get noticed because they are *physical, tactile, portable with a
presence* when designed well and piled up on a desk or notice board.
Plus less is more: it only takes a few to be noticed. See possibilities
<https://postbug.app/solutions> and case studies
<https://postbug.app/case-studies> and request a demo
(Disclosure: PostBug is run by FairSay)
PS: To have your event or announcement included, email me before Sunday
midnight (any time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.
Duane Raymond (pronouns: he/him)
FairSay - Making Campaigning Count
UK: +44 (0)207 993 4200
Switzerland: +41 (0)43 538 3641
Skype: fairsay
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/duane
Web: https://fairsay.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fairsay
FairSay is a ltd. company registered in England and Wales. Reg. No. 5244802
Hi again ECFers,
On Thursday I'm hosting the first of a few post-election Zoom calls to
discuss what next now that Labour has formed the UK government. This is a
followup to the pre-election webinar on preparing for it. It is on* Thu 18 Jul
11:00-12:00 BST (via Zoom).*
This will be a peer sharing call *followed* the next week (*Thu 25 Jul
11:00-12:00 BST*) by having Hike Harris, CEO of of 89up share his experience
talking to dozens of new ministers and the PM about their plans when they
were shadow ministers.
What do registered participants want to talk about this week?
Participants were asked at the time of registration "What do you want to
learn from this online event? This input will be passed to all participants
to help prepare.". Below are their answers.
1. Any key dates we should be looking out for
2. How others orgs will be prioritising and approaching engagement.
3. Successfully engaging new MPs with campaigning comms
4. if and how our engagement techniques should change
5. How to work with first time MPs and new spads/staff
6. Foreign policy priorities and where to get traction
7. Dealing with opposition and media pulling discussions to extreme
right (and pulling Labour with it)
8. A summary of relevant from the King's Speech and anything gleaned in
the first weeks since the election about the new gov
9. Learn about election engagement
10. A variety of perspectives to add to my existing knowledge
11. Best ways of achieving cut through post election, with so many orgs
lobbying and campaigning
12. It'll be my first time campaigning when the Labour government will
be in power, I want to learn about it.
13. Just space to talk and think through how the (new) govt affects us
and our campaigns
14. Understand potential strategies/tactics to influencing the new
government, to better help me prepare digital campaigns
15. Where best to focus our energy and time to achieve maximum results
16. General public affairs strategy tips and examples from other
contexts would be useful
17. Insight on the new Government's first 100 days and where it looks
like opportunities exist to influence
18. Good to see how other organisations are approaching the new
political landscape, what the priorities and challenges are
19. How to best engage with the new Government
20. The most effective way of engaging with a new government,
particularly in terms of getting green MPs on board to champion our org
21. Shared understanding on how to approach new MPs with our communities
22. Tactics for effectively recruiting new supporters post election
23. I would love to hear what their experience of campaigning was, what
constituents were saying their top priorities were and why
24. External comms strategy for charities
25. How public campaigning can help parliamentary/policy colleagues
26. Tips on how best we can influence the new government
27. Insights for effectively influencing new government
28. engaging with a new government
29. Considerations for a change of govt
30. realistic expectations in post-election influencing world, what to
prioritise in the immediate and where to strategise long term
31. How are people thinking about the new election
32. How to get policy wins when your issue isn't high up the new
government agenda
33. writing to new ministers - inviting to events asking for meetings
34. What we can expect from campaigning under the new govt!
35. Once you get a meeting with an MP or Minister - how do you keep them
engaged after that (as a small charity)
36. How we can engage this new Labour government to bring about positive
37. Seeing how industry can best engage with the new Govt
38. How can we effectively pivot our comms/actions from the old to a
brand new Government?
39. Is it better to be engaging multiple ministers who have relevance to
your charitable remit, or to focus on the most obvious one
40. Strategies for influencing new gov. Insider perspective from the new
41. Any insights about lobbying the government.
If you have something to say about any of these topics or wish to learn
about them, join us for a group discussion on them.
Duane Raymond (pronouns: he/him)
FairSay - Making Campaigning Count
UK: +44 (0)207 993 4200
Switzerland: +41 (0)43 538 3641
Skype: fairsay
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/duane
Web: https://fairsay.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fairsay
FairSay is a ltd. company registered in England and Wales. Reg. No. 5244802
Hi ECFers,
Here are the latest postings of ECF events, ECFer/sector-shared event, tool
and opportunity announcements. Note there are some fab in-person events
coming up in Cardiff and London...and *if you wish to organise your own
local ECF Re-Ignite event, let me know* and I can support you.
Join the events announcements-only list
<https://fairsayforum.com/join/lists/events.campaigningforum.com/> to only
get event and resource roundups directly without being part of the ECF
discussion list or other listing:
*Include your event or announcement *by emailing me (
duane.raymond(a)fairsay.com, subject: Event listing) *before Sunday
midnight* (GMT
time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.
Official Campaigning Forum events
1. *ONLINE: New UK Government: What do we do now?
/ sharing)*
*When: Thu 18 Jul 11:00-12:00 BST (Zoom). Register*:
*Overview:* The UK General Election has returned a majority Labour
government and MPs were sworn in on 9 July. On 17 July, the King's Speech
will lay out the government's priorities for the next parliamentary session
as part of the State Opening of Parliament. Once we know the government's
priorities, it is time to get on with engaging MPs and ministers. Even if
parliament is in recess over the rest of July and August, the MPs and
ministers will be working. This is a follow-on call to the wildly popular
"Engaging the UK's post-election government" online event on June 25 you
can see here: https://youtu.be/q9SIHTaTgiA
*London: Campaigning 'Re-ignite' event
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/299950990/> When: Wed. Jul
24 6pm*
*Register via Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/299950990/> or Luma
<https://lu.ma/london-reignite-2407>* (see all ECF events on Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> and Luma
*Overview*: In what many consider as a ‘tired’ and ‘broken’ Britain that
has just delivered a landslide victory for the Labour party, how can a
focus on ‘care’ help organisations to campaign effectively for social and
environmental change? Presentation and discussion lead by Anastasia
(linkedin <https://www.linkedin.com/in/anastasiakavada/>)
*Why join?*: Re-connect with peers and meet new people from past
ECF events, the community and professors, alumni and students of the MA of
Media, Campaigning and Social change (U. of Westminster): the host (and
3. *ONLINE: *Understanding Labour's approach to government (NEW)
*When: Thu 25 Jul 11:00-12:00 BST (Zoom). Register*:
*Overview: *Hike Harris, CEO of of 89up, will share his experience
talking to dozens of new ministers and the PM about their plans when they
were shadow ministers. What does a missions-based approach means for civil
society, campaigning and advocacy? How is Labour approaching the job of
government and what do we know about the new government's plans for the
first year of power? How can civil society influence the government in the
era of a super-majority and what are the opportunities to influence? An
insiders' perspective of how to think about the new government and the
parliamentary Labour party.
4. *European Campaign Forum <https://campaignforum.eu/>: Oct 23-24,
The next ECF event is the European Campaign Forum in Berlin
<https://campaignforum.eu/> bringing together *participants from across
Europe*. Not only is Berlin easy to get to by train from all over
Europe, its central location means it has participants from countries all
around it and beyond. It is held in English, but participants are welcome
to switch to other languages if it suits the group participants.
5. *Save the date*: Campaigning Forum Oxford, *2025*: Apr 8-10
Partner events
1. *Sep 2024-Apr 2025: MA/Certificate in Media, Campaigning and Social
of Westminster). Enrol for this innovative course was founded by two ECFers
to create an academic course in campaigning - and has alumi from around the
world. Course lead Michaela O'Brien will be hosting ECF
Re-Ignite events in late July <https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> if
you wish to talk to her about it and meet students/alumni.
Sector events
1. *Online: Strategies for Fundraising Success
<https://thesocialchangenest.org/webinar/strategic-fundraising/> *(Part
of our Fundraising Masterclass for Community Groups and Grassroots
*When*: Monday, July 22nd, 2024 1:00 - 1:45 PM BST (free)
*Overview*: Feeling overwhelmed by the world of fundraising? 🤯 You're
not alone. That's why we're teaming up with expert fundraiser Kate Ferrie
(20+ years of fundraising experience) to deliver a virtual fundraising
masterclass for community groups and grassroots movements.
In the session we'll be diving into essential strategies for raising
strategically, and *how to fundraise without it becoming a burden on your
time and resources* 💸 See
2. *Online: *Facilitating Collective Power Lab
*When*: July 29th & 30th or July 31st & August 1st
Posted by: dirk slater, FabRiders
*What*: We will explore the different power domains in which
change-makers operate and how to effectively design and facilitate power
analysis and strategy sessions to help them move more effectively towards
success. We will also explore how to identify, practice and support
“facilitative leadership”. We will compile facilitation best practices that
help us ‘walk the walk’.
By the end of the workshop, you will have greater expertise in
developing community-centric strategies that support movements and drive
real change. Learn more and register here:
https://www.fabriders.net/facilitating-collective-power/ Note an “Apply
for Scholarship” link at the bottom of those pages for anyone who might
find the registration fee a barrier to participating.
3. Action Learning Sets for Emerging Leaders in campaigning organisations
Posted by Rummena Begum, rummena.begum(a)smk.org.uk
*When*: October 2024
*Overview*: We are running a new action learning set for emerging
leaders in campaigning organisations. This will build on SMK's experience
of running sets at diverse levels since autumn 2023 in partnership with
charity co-founder and experienced action learning set facilitator,
Josephine Knowles.
We hope this will appeal to new line managers in campaigning
organisations and people who are managing a campaigning workstream or
campaigning team. We're offering a 10% discount to anyone who books a place
by mid-August! To find out more, please head to:
Community member offer
*Introducing Emma Lawton - inspirational speaker
<http://www.emmalawton.co.uk/> *Posted by Emma Lawton hi(a)emmalawton.co.uk
I'm a keynote and inspirational speaker who's given talks to many
charities and big corporates alike. I normally work through an agency, who
obviously put a mark up on top) During this month I'm offering to really
reduce my rates (average talk is about 1/5 of my usual fee) because I know
that post-covid there are a lot of people struggling to get 'back to normal
life' (work and home). You can find out more about me here
Having worked in the charity sector for a number of years I have a good
network of connections who are booking and sharing this for me but I would
really love to offer it wider. My main topics are around resilience and
change and I'm qualified in Mental Health first aidand advocacy. See
more about me at http://www.emmalawton.co.uk/
On demand trainings
1. *Online, on demand: Improve the conversion rates on your campaign
landing pages <https://boagworld.com/l/campaign-landing-pages/>*
Posted by Paul Boag paul(a)boagworks.com
A 16 part email course detailing how to improve the conversion rate of
any campaign landing page.
Academic surveys
*Research invite: Climate Activism and Digital Media Engagement Metrics
(for Canada or India based campaigners) Posted b*y smehta(a)trentu.ca
Swati Mehta, PhD Candidate, Department of Cultural Studies, Trent University
*About me*: I'm a long time ECFer and I worked in digital communications
and campaigning for - starting at Greenpeace India back in 2010. Now turned
to academia and I am a PhD candidate at Trent University, Peterborough On,
Canada, studying the relationship between engagement metrics and digital
organisers in the climate movement. I'm hoping to bring together some of
those experiences along with the expertise of the wider digital
community in my research with the objective of producing something that
useful for the wider community.
*About the research*: I’m inviting digital organisers based in India or
Canada and over 18 years of age to join a study on the influence of
engagement metrics and
digital organising in the climate movement. Selected participants will be
requested to complete a survey and interview. All participants will
e-gift cards of $10 and $25 CAD or their equivalent in INR for completing
the survey and interview, respectively.They will also have an option to
join a workshop to collaboratively develop a qualitative framework for
evaluating engagement. I use the term digital organiser broadly to
activists working independently or in organisation, as well as creative
producers such as artists, musicians, content creators, and influencers,
who are advocating for climate action on digital media platforms. I’m
particularly interested in hearing from Gen Z, millennial, and older
digital organisers working on climate or environmental issues in India
You are more than welcome to share the survey link with colleagues /
consultants / collaborators in your networks. Details about the study,
terms of consent and the application itself can be accessed here:
1. How can organisations value lived experience in the right way?
Posted by Khudija - khudija(a)thesocialchangeagency.org
See the new Payment for Involvement Playbook
This is a comprehensive guide to everything organisations need to create a
fair and equitable payment for involvement policy. It
incorporates extensive research, best practice from a learning community of
over 170+ organisations, and insights from leading experts including the
National Institute for Health and Care Research, Citizens Advice and the
Department for Work and Pensions.
Platform and tool announcements
*PostBug: get noticed by new MPs with printed postcards *Now that Labour
have won the UK election, MPs will already be getting thousands of emails
even before they have their pass and staff. So you need a way to stand
out. PostBug.com offers that by enabling your supporters to *send real
printed postcards and letters* from their device. Printed postcards and
letters get noticed because they are *physical, tactile, portable with a
presence* when designed well and piled up on a desk or notice board.
Plus less is more: it only takes a few to be noticed. See possibilities
<https://postbug.app/solutions> and case studies
<https://postbug.app/case-studies> and request a demo
(Disclosure: PostBug is run by FairSay)
PS: To have your event or announcement included, email me before Sunday
midnight (any time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.
Duane Raymond (pronouns: he/him)
FairSay - Making Campaigning Count
UK: +44 (0)207 993 4200
Switzerland: +41 (0)43 538 3641
Skype: fairsay
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/duane
Web: https://fairsay.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fairsay
FairSay is a ltd. company registered in England and Wales. Reg. No. 5244802
Hello eCampaigners,
At the end of July, you’ll have an opportunity to strengthen your facilitation skills at The Facilitating Collective Power Lab. During this two-day, three-hour-a-day online lab, we will explore the different power domains in which change-makers operate and how to effectively design and facilitate power analysis and strategy sessions to help them move more effectively towards success. We will explore how to identify, practice and support “facilitative leadership”. We will also share facilitation best practices that help us ‘walk the walk’.
FabRiders’ labs are opportunities to explore, experiment and strengthen expertise. It's also an opportunity to connect and learn from others on a similar journey. To accommodate a diversity of time zones, we offer this Lab twice during the week of July 29th: July 29th and 30th at 3 pm UTC or July 31st and August 1st at 9 am UTC.
To learn more and register, please see: https://www.fabriders.net/facilitating-collective-power/
Registration is 240 GBP, but for anyone who might find the registration fee a barrier to participating, there is an ‘apply for scholarship’ link at the bottom of the page.
We always appreciate help with outreach. Please feel free to forward this email to anyone who might benefit. And of course, do respond to this email with any questions or comments.
In solidarity,
dirk slater
Signal: FabRider.12
Get our newsletter The FabUpdate: https://www.fabriders.net/get-email/
Help us build the Collective Power Playbook at www.collectivepower.net
Book a time to chin wag with dirk: https://calendar.app.google/cm9bjytUgxJg8gDa7
Hi ECFers,
Here are the latest postings of ECF events, ECFer/sector-shared event, tool
and opportunity announcements. Note there are some fab in-person events
coming up in Cardiff and London...and *if you wish to organise your own
local ECF Re-Ignite event, let me know* and I can support you.
Join the events announcements-only list
<https://fairsayforum.com/join/lists/events.campaigningforum.com/> to only
get event and resource roundups directly without being part of the ECF
discussion list or other listing:
*Include your event or announcement *by emailing me (
duane.raymond(a)fairsay.com, subject: Event listing) *before Sunday
midnight* (GMT
time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.
Official Campaigning Forum events
1. *Cardiff: Campaigning 'Re-ignite' event*
*When & Where*: Wed. 9 Jul, 15:00, Wales TUC Cymru offices
*Register via Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/301034554/> or Luma
<https://lu.ma/cardiff-reignite-2407>* (see all ECF events on Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> and Luma
The official ECF Community event in Cardiff. Re-connect with peers and
meet new people from past ECF events and the wider campaigning community.
Agenda: Welcome speaker, discussions on current topics, social.
2. *New UK Government: What do we do now?
*When: Thu 18 Jul 11:00-12:00 BST (Zoom). Register*:
This is a follow-on call to the wildly popular "Engaging the UK's
post-election government" online event on June 25 you can see here:
By this event we'll know the UK General Election results, MPs will have
been sworn in (9 July) and the King's Speech will have happened as part of
the State Opening of Parliament on 17 July. Now that we know the results
and the agenda, it is time to get on with engaging them. Even if they
recess parliament over the rest of July and August, they will be working.
*London: Campaigning 'Re-ignite' event
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/299950990/> When: Wed. Jul
24 6pm*
*Register via Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/299950990/> or Luma
<https://lu.ma/london-reignite-2407>* (see all ECF events on Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> and Luma
*Overview*: In what many consider as a ‘tired’ and ‘broken’ Britain that
has just delivered a landslide victory for the Labour party, how can a
focus on ‘care’ help organisations to campaign effectively for social and
environmental change? Presentation and discussion lead by Anastasia
(linkedin <https://www.linkedin.com/in/anastasiakavada/>)
*Why join?*: Re-connect with peers and meet new people from past
ECF events, the community and professors, alumni and students of the MA of
Media, Campaigning and Social change (U. of Westminster): the host (and
4. *European Campaign Forum <https://campaignforum.eu/>: Oct 23-24,
The next ECF event is the European Campaign Forum in Berlin
<https://campaignforum.eu/> bringing together *participants from across
Europe*. Not only is Berlin easy to get to by train from all over
Europe, its central location means it has participants from countries all
around it and beyond. It is held in English, but participants are welcome
to switch to other languages if it suits the group participants.
5. *Save the date*: Campaigning Forum Oxford, *2025*: Apr 8-10
Partner events
1. *Sep 2024-Apr 2025: MA/Certificate in Media, Campaigning and Social
of Westminster). Enrol for this innovative course was founded by two ECFers
to create an academic course in campaigning - and has alumi from around the
world. Course lead Michaela O'Brien will be hosting ECF
Re-Ignite events in late July <https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> if
you wish to talk to her about it and meet students/alumni.
Sector events
1. *Online: Visual Design for Organizing Apprenticeship
*When*: Sept-Oct 2024
*What*: From concept to execution, learn how to create designs that
stand out, drive action, and help win campaigns. Earn SMT’s Certificate in
Visual Design for Organizing. Join 400+ alums from around the world who’ve
taken this 8-session apprenticeship where you’ll get tons of guidance,
feedback and support.
Community member offer
*Introducing Emma Lawton - inspirational speaker
<http://www.emmalawton.co.uk/> *Posted by Emma Lawton hi(a)emmalawton.co.uk
I'm a keynote and inspirational speaker who's given talks to many
charities and big corporates alike. I normally work through an agency, who
obviously put a mark up on top) During this month I'm offering to really
reduce my rates (average talk is about 1/5 of my usual fee) because I know
that post-covid there are a lot of people struggling to get 'back to normal
life' (work and home). You can find out more about me here
Having worked in the charity sector for a number of years I have a good
network of connections who are booking and sharing this for me but I would
really love to offer it wider. My main topics are around resilience and
change and I'm qualified in Mental Health first aidand advocacy. See
more about me at http://www.emmalawton.co.uk/
On demand trainings
1. *Online, on demand: Improve the conversion rates on your campaign
landing pages <https://boagworld.com/l/campaign-landing-pages/>*
Posted by Paul Boag paul(a)boagworks.com
A 16 part email course detailing how to improve the conversion rate of
any campaign landing page.
Academic surveys
*Research invite: Climate Activism and Digital Media Engagement Metrics
(for Canada or India based campaigners) Posted b*y smehta(a)trentu.ca
Swati Mehta, PhD Candidate, Department of Cultural Studies, Trent University
*About me*: I'm a long time ECFer and I worked in digital communications
and campaigning for - starting at Greenpeace India back in 2010. Now turned
to academia and I am a PhD candidate at Trent University, Peterborough On,
Canada, studying the relationship between engagement metrics and digital
organisers in the climate movement. I'm hoping to bring together some of
those experiences along with the expertise of the wider digital
community in my research with the objective of producing something that
useful for the wider community.
*About the research*: I’m inviting digital organisers based in India or
Canada and over 18 years of age to join a study on the influence of
engagement metrics and
digital organising in the climate movement. Selected participants will be
requested to complete a survey and interview. All participants will
e-gift cards of $10 and $25 CAD or their equivalent in INR for completing
the survey and interview, respectively.They will also have an option to
join a workshop to collaboratively develop a qualitative framework for
evaluating engagement. I use the term digital organiser broadly to
activists working independently or in organisation, as well as creative
producers such as artists, musicians, content creators, and influencers,
who are advocating for climate action on digital media platforms. I’m
particularly interested in hearing from Gen Z, millennial, and older
digital organisers working on climate or environmental issues in India
You are more than welcome to share the survey link with colleagues /
consultants / collaborators in your networks. Details about the study,
terms of consent and the application itself can be accessed here:
1. How can organisations value lived experience in the right way?
Posted by Khudija - khudija(a)thesocialchangeagency.org
See the new Payment for Involvement Playbook
This is a comprehensive guide to everything organisations need to create a
fair and equitable payment for involvement policy. It
incorporates extensive research, best practice from a learning community of
over 170+ organisations, and insights from leading experts including the
National Institute for Health and Care Research, Citizens Advice and the
Department for Work and Pensions.
Platform and tool announcements
*PostBug: get noticed by new MPs with printed postcards *Now that Labour
have won the UK election, MPs will already be getting thousands of emails
even before they have their pass and staff. So you need a way to stand
out. PostBug.com offers that by enabling your supporters to *send real
printed postcards and letters* from their device. Printed postcards and
letters get noticed because they are *physical, tactile, portable with a
presence* when designed well and piled up on a desk or notice board.
Plus less is more: it only takes a few to be noticed. See possibilities
<https://postbug.app/solutions> and case studies
<https://postbug.app/case-studies> and request a demo
(Disclosure: PostBug is run by FairSay)
PS: To have your event or announcement included, email me before Sunday
midnight (any time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.
Duane Raymond (pronouns: he/him)
FairSay - Making Campaigning Count
UK: +44 (0)207 993 4200
Switzerland: +41 (0)43 538 3641
Skype: fairsay
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/duane
Web: https://fairsay.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fairsay
FairSay is a ltd. company registered in England and Wales. Reg. No. 5244802
Hi ECFers,
Here are the latest postings of ECF events, ECFer/sector-shared event, tool
and opportunity announcements. Note there are some fab in-person events
coming up in Cardiff and London...and *if you wish to organise your own
local ECF Re-Ignite event, let me know* and I can support you.
Join the events announcements-only list
<https://fairsayforum.com/join/lists/events.campaigningforum.com/> to only
get event and resource roundups directly without being part of the ECF
discussion list or other listing:
*Include your event or announcement *by emailing me (
duane.raymond(a)fairsay.com, subject: Event listing) *before Sunday
midnight* (GMT
time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.
Official Campaigning Forum events
1. *Cardiff: Campaigning 'Re-ignite' event*
*When & Where*: Wed. 9 Jul, 15:00, Wales TUC Cymru offices
*Register via Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/301034554/> or Luma
<https://lu.ma/cardiff-reignite-2407>* (see all ECF events on Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> and Luma
The official ECF Community event in Cardiff. Re-connect with peers and
meet new people from past ECF events and the wider campaigning community.
Agenda: Welcome speaker, discussions on current topics, social.
2. *New UK Government: What do we do now?
*When: Thu 18 Jul 11:00-12:00 BST (Zoom). Register*:
This is a follow-on call to the wildly popular "Engaging the UK's
post-election government" online event on June 25 you can see here:
By this event we'll know the UK General Election results, MPs will have
been sworn in (9 July) and the King's Speech will have happened as part of
the State Opening of Parliament on 17 July. Now that we know the results
and the agenda, it is time to get on with engaging them. Even if they
recess parliament over the rest of July and August, they will be working.
*London: Campaigning 'Re-ignite' event
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/299950990/> When: Wed. Jul
24 6pm*
*Register via Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/299950990/> or Luma
<https://lu.ma/london-reignite-2407>* (see all ECF events on Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> and Luma
*Agenda*: Welcome speaker, discussions on current topics, social.
*Topics*: the recent *election* is sure to be a hot topic at this meetup
*Why*: Re-connect with peers and meet new people from past ECF events,
the community and professors, alumni and students of the MA of Media,
Campaigning and Social change (U. of Westminster): the host (and partner).
4. *European Campaign Forum <https://campaignforum.eu/>: Oct 23-24,
The next ECF event is the European Campaign Forum in Berlin
<https://campaignforum.eu/> bringing together *participants from across
Europe*. Not only is Berlin easy to get to by train from all over
Europe, its central location means it has participants from countries all
around it and beyond. It is held in English, but participants are welcome
to switch to other languages if it suits the group participants.
5. *Save the date*: Campaigning Forum Oxford, *2025*: Apr 8-10
Partner events
1. *Sep 2024-Apr 2025: MA/Certificate in Media, Campaigning and Social
of Westminster). Enrol for this innovative course was founded by two ECFers
to create an academic course in campaigning - and has alumi from around the
world. Course lead Michaela O'Brien will be hosting ECF
Re-Ignite events in late May, June and July
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> if you wish to talk to her
about it and meet students/alumni.
Sector events
1. *London: The Art (And Craft) of Gentle Protest: Sarah P Corbett
in-conversation with Jon Alexander
*When*: Tue 2nd July 6pm-7:15pm at The Conduit Club, 6 Langley St, London
*What*: Award-winning activist, author and Ashoka Fellow Sarah P Corbett
will be in-conversation with founder of Careys Secret Garden Simon
Constantine who is also the founder of And Fragrance. All of Simon's and
Sarah's ventures are all about creating positive solutions to the problems
we face in a world in a world of fear and confusion.
We will be discussing the power of the senses for positive action and
wellbeing sharing their own stories and knowledge in this field. Topics
covered will include the creative process in gentle craftivism planning,
how we can use many senses for solidarity when addressing social change and
the power of communal events. Book here:
free tickets available) Part of a UK book tour:
2. Berlin: Campaigners & Digital folk meet-up
*When*: Thursday July 4, 7pm CET (and first Thursday of each month)
Join: contact Paula Bonfatti paulabonfatti(a)gmail.com
*Location*: TBC (last one was at workish.berlin - Harzer Str. 39, 12059
*Who are we?: *We are a group of campaigners, digital strategists,
organisers, fundraisers and comms people in Berlin from various places of
the world. What unites us is an interest in creating a community where
people can get together in person, share experience and build knowledge.
*What's the input/presentation?*: Anti-oppressive organisational
practice, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging - what lies at the
core of these approaches and how can we be agents of change within our
organisations? Gabi Rosenstreich will share some insights and discuss these
questions with us.
3. *Online: Visual Design for Organizing Apprenticeship
*When*: Sept-Oct 2024
*What*: From concept to execution, learn how to create designs that
stand out, drive action, and help win campaigns. Earn SMT’s Certificate in
Visual Design for Organizing. Join 400+ alums from around the world who’ve
taken this 8-session apprenticeship where you’ll get tons of guidance,
feedback and support.
Community member offer
*Introducing Emma Lawton - inspirational speaker
<http://www.emmalawton.co.uk/> *Posted by Emma Lawton hi(a)emmalawton.co.uk
I'm a keynote and inspirational speaker who's given talks to many
charities and big corporates alike. I normally work through an agency, who
obviously put a mark up on top) During this month I'm offering to really
reduce my rates (average talk is about 1/5 of my usual fee) because I know
that post-covid there are a lot of people struggling to get 'back to normal
life' (work and home). You can find out more about me here
Having worked in the charity sector for a number of years I have a good
network of connections who are booking and sharing this for me but I would
really love to offer it wider. My main topics are around resilience and
change and I'm qualified in Mental Health first aidand advocacy. See
more about me at http://www.emmalawton.co.uk/
On demand trainings
1. *Online, on demand: Digital Fundraising Email Course
Posted by Paul Boag paul(a)boagworks.com
Boost your digital fundraising with a better donation page Your donation
page is the weak link in your digital fundraising. On average, only 16% of
those who visit a donation page go on to give. Imagine if you could
increase that by even a few percentage points.
With this course you will learn to Improve your conversion rate Improve
both the number and value of the donations you receive, as well as donor
lifetime value. Meet your digital fundraising targets Improve the
conversion rate of every digital fundraising campaign you run. All through
changing one point in the funnel. Increase campaign return on investment
Raise the total donations from your online fundraising campaigns. Do this
without raising your ad spend.
Find out more and signup at
1. How can organisations value lived experience in the right way?
Posted by Khudija - khudija(a)thesocialchangeagency.org
See the new Payment for Involvement Playbook
This is a comprehensive guide to everything organisations need to create a
fair and equitable payment for involvement policy. It
incorporates extensive research, best practice from a learning community of
over 170+ organisations, and insights from leading experts including the
National Institute for Health and Care Research, Citizens Advice and the
Department for Work and Pensions.
Platform and tool announcements
1. *Invitation: join the PlaceCal open beta testing + get trained up as
a community technology organiser
Our non-profit PlaceCal platform which we think will solve the community
information problem once and for all. We've got a few free / pay what you
can open beta places and would love to have some of you on it! Full
announcement is on our blog
*PostBug: get noticed by new MPs with printed postcards *PostBug.com is a
digital campaigning platform that enables your supporters to *send real
printed postcards and letters* from their device. For the UK general
election on July 4, once the new MPs are in place they will be bombarded
online in an attempt to engage and influence them and the government.
Printed postcards and letters get noticed because they are *physical,
tactile, portable with a presence* when designed well and piled up on a
desk or notice board. Plus less is more: it only takes a few to be noticed.
See possibilities <https://postbug.app/solutions> and case studies
<https://postbug.app/case-studies> and request a demo
<https://postbug.app/demo>. Note: PostBug will only take 15 client
actions in July to ensure they all have maximum impact.
(Disclosure: PostBug is run by FairSay)
PS: To have your event or announcement included, email me before Sunday
midnight (any time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.
Duane Raymond (pronouns: he/him)
FairSay - Making Campaigning Count
UK: +44 (0)207 993 4200
Switzerland: +41 (0)43 538 3641
Skype: fairsay
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/duane
Web: https://fairsay.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fairsay
FairSay is a ltd. company registered in England and Wales. Reg. No. 5244802