Hi subscribers to the events-only list :-)
You don't see much from this list, but hopefully quality will more than ma
e up for the quantity as here are three upcoming ECF events between now and
March 2024.
I'm organising a new event: the Campaigning Leadership Forum on Nov 2-3 in
London <https://fairsay.com/campaigning-leadership-forum-2023/> for you and
your peers in senior leadership roles.
There are two steams: one for senior leaders (e.g. CEOs, Directors, Heads
of) and one for Rising leaders (e.g. team managers). You can choose to come
for one day or both. Send a few leaders to have more internal support
Recommend it to your boss, peers and junior leaders. See more at:
New Campaigning Leadership Forum Nov 2-3 in London
After more than 20 years of running the annual Campaigning Forum event,
those early participants have now risen through the ranks and many are in
senior roles. If that is you.
It is time for a new event using the same wonderful format for senior and
rising leaders: the Campaigning Leadership Forum
There are two main strams: for senior leaders (CEOs, directors, heads of)
and the rising leaders stream for team leaders. With elections on the
horizon and the need for progressive action stronger than ever, this is
where you neet, learn and organise.
Join and spread the word:
PS Join the new Campaigning Leadership email discussion list
<http://news.fairsay.com/t/r-l-ttuhhldd-bjuhddimd-n/> to learn more
Send practitioners to ECF Europe Nov 8-9, Berlin
[image: Berlin Campaign Forum logo]
*The reasons keep growing:*
1. *Who's going?*: See the current list of the event participants
2. *Innovation*: The pandemic prevented us from having large group
discussions that drive sector innovation* - coming to the Berlin
Campaign Forum brings those back
3. *New world*: We're in a new world from 2019 (the last Berlin ECF
event) and we need to share and strategise, plus EU elections are coming in
June 2024.
4. *Personal resiliance*: it is tough for many working from home. Coming
to ECF events is a* celebration of the work we all do* and a
re-affirmation of its value and that we aren't alone. Many past
participants describe it as therapy.
5. *Networking*: Connecting face-to-face with peers is even more
important now that more of us are working from home. It is a* key factor
in your career developmen*t - so seize the opportunity.
6. *Learning*: At ECF events we learn be sharing - and there is always
more to learn to improve what we do back in our own work. You can *learn
a years worth in just 2 days* - so well worth the time.
Learn more and apply the Berlin Campaign Forum 2023 event >>
Save the date for Campaigning Forum Oxford 2024
*Mar 19-21 2024* is already booked for the Campaigning Forum, Oxford - and
I already have people who have emailed me to get a place!
If you can't make Berlin or London in November, Oxford will be the next
chance for joining an ECF event, so save the date. Applications will open
in November 2023.
Looking for a job or project work?
Get only ECF job and project roundups by subscribing to the jobs only email
list <http://news.fairsay.com/t/r-l-ttuhhldd-bjuhddimd-z/>.
Need to hire staff or experts?
Post a job to the ECF community and beyond. See the options and more details
We're smarter together.
*Copy, paste, edit and share this >> *
The ECF Community only grows when we (the community) tell other colleagues
and peers.
If ECF events or the community is the secret to your success, share it with
others via email, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.
Tell others about ECF
Since you are also active in campaigning via digital networks, do you
already know about the Campaigning Forum community? It is a global
community and a series of annual events around the world. They are for
people like us to share, discuss and learn how to campaign more effectively
via digital networks. You can find out more and join at
Duane Raymond (pronouns: he/him)
FairSay - Making Campaigning Count
UK: +44 (0)207 993 4200
Switzerland: +41 (0)43 538 3641
Skype: fairsay
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/duane
Web: https://fairsay.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fairsay
FairSay is a ltd. company registered in England and Wales. Reg. No. 5244802
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