Hi ECFers,
Here are the latest postings of ECF events, ECFer/sector-shared event, tool
and opportunity announcements. Note there are some fab in-person events
coming up in Cardiff and London...and *if you wish to organise your own
local ECF Re-Ignite event, let me know* and I can support you.
Join the events announcements-only list
<https://fairsayforum.com/join/lists/events.campaigningforum.com/> to only
get event and resource roundups directly without being part of the ECF
discussion list or other listing:
*Include your event or announcement *by emailing me (
duane.raymond(a)fairsay.com, subject: Event listing) *before Sunday
midnight* (GMT
time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.
Official Campaigning Forum events
1. *Online: Engaging the UK's post-election government
*Tue Jun 25 12:00-13:00 BST (Zoom). (205 registrations so far) Register*:
Polls suggest the UK General Election on July 4 will result in a change
in government. The last change was 14 years ago, many campaigners will
never have worked through a government transition. Speaker Nancy Platts has
30 years experience with campaigning under various governments, has run to
be an MP and has been active in local politics.
2. London: Playing the long game: a cool look at the expected change in
government <https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/>
*(*part of the monthly
*Campaigning 'Re-ignite' events) When:* Wed. Jun 26 18:00 onwards
*Register via Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/299950983/> or Luma
<https://lu.ma/london-reignite-2406>* (see all ECF events on Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> and Luma
*Overview: *Organisations are already working on their policy briefings
and demands for the first 100 days to present to the expected new
government. But after the party and the first rush of enthusiasm, what will
have changed? How can taking the long view lead to greater impact?
*Featured guest: *Benedict Southworth, 38 Degrees Trust board and former
Executive Director / Campaigns Director at NGOs including Global Justice
Now, Ramblers and Amnesty International, will lead the conversation.
*Why?*: Re-ignite events re-connect with peers and meet new people from
past ECF events, the community and professors, alumni and students of the
MA of Media, Campaigning and Social change (U. of Westminster): the host
(and partner).
3. *Cardiff*: Campaigning 'Re-ignite' event: Wed. Jul 9, 15:00, Wales
TUC Cymru offices
*Register via Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/301034554/> or Luma
<https://lu.ma/cardiff-reignite-2407>* (see all ECF events on Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> and Luma
The official ECF Community event in Cardiff. Re-connect with peers and
meet new people from past ECF events and the wider campaigning community.
Agenda: Welcome speaker, discussions on current topics, social.
4. *London: Campaigning 'Re-ignite' event:Wed. Jul 24
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> 6pm
*Register via Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/299950990/> or Luma
<https://lu.ma/london-reignite-2407>* (see all ECF events on Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> and Luma
*Agenda*: Welcome speaker, discussions on current topics, social.
*Topics*: the recent *election* is sure to be a hot topic at this meetup
*Why*: Re-connect with peers and meet new people from past ECF events,
the community and professors, alumni and students of the MA of Media,
Campaigning and Social change (U. of Westminster): the host (and partner).
5. *European Campaign Forum <https://campaignforum.eu/>: Oct 23-24,
The next ECF event is the European Campaign Forum in Berlin
<https://campaignforum.eu/> bringing together *participants from across
Europe*. Not only is Berlin easy to get to by train from all over
Europe, its central location means it has participants from countries all
around it and beyond. It is held in English, but participants are welcome
to switch to other languages if it suits the group participants.
6. *Save the date*: Campaigning Forum Oxford, *2025*: Apr 8-10
Partner events
1. *Sep 2024-Apr 2025: MA/Certificate in Media, Campaigning and Social
of Westminster). Enrol for this innovative course was founded by two ECFers
to create an academic course in campaigning - and has alumi from around the
world. Course lead Michaela O'Brien will be hosting ECF
Re-Ignite events in late May, June and July
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> if you wish to talk to her
about it and meet students/alumni.
Sector events
1. *Dorset: Gentle Craftivism: Sarah P Corbett & Simon Constantine in
Sunday 30th June 6pm-8pm at Careys Secret Garden, BH20 7PG
Award-winning activist, author and Ashoka Fellow Sarah P Corbett will be
in-conversation with founder of Careys Secret Garden Simon Constantine who
is also the founder of And Fragrance. All of Simon's and Sarah's ventures
are all about creating positive solutions to the problems we face in a
world in a world of fear and confusion.
We will be discussing the power of the senses for positive action and
wellbeing sharing their own stories and knowledge in this field. Topics
covered will include the creative process in gentle craftivism planning,
how we can use many senses for solidarity when addressing social change and
the power of communal events. Book here:
https://www.tickettailor.com/events/craftivistcollective/1227819 (including
free tickets available) Part of a UK book tour:
2. *London: The Art (And Craft) of Gentle Protest: Sarah P Corbett
in-conversation with Jon Alexander
Tue 2nd July 6pm-7:15pm at The Conduit Club, 6 Langley St, London WC2H
Award-winning activist, author and Ashoka Fellow Sarah P Corbett will be
in-conversation with founder of Careys Secret Garden Simon Constantine who
is also the founder of And Fragrance. All of Simon's and Sarah's ventures
are all about creating positive solutions to the problems we face in a
world in a world of fear and confusion.
We will be discussing the power of the senses for positive action and
wellbeing sharing their own stories and knowledge in this field. Topics
covered will include the creative process in gentle craftivism planning,
how we can use many senses for solidarity when addressing social change and
the power of communal events. Book here:
free tickets available) Part of a UK book tour:
3. Berlin: Campaigners & Digital folk meet-up
*When*: Thursday July 4, 7pm CET (and first Thursday of each month)
Join: contact Paula Bonfatti paulabonfatti(a)gmail.com
*Location*: TBC (last one was at workish.berlin - Harzer Str. 39, 12059
*Who are we?: *We are a group of campaigners, digital strategists,
organisers, fundraisers and comms people in Berlin from various places of
the world. What unites us is an interest in creating a community where
people can get together in person, share experience and build knowledge.
*What's the input/presentation?*: Anti-oppressive organisational
practice, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging - what lies at the
core of these approaches and how can we be agents of change within our
organisations? Gabi Rosenstreich will share some insights and discuss these
questions with us.
4. *Online*: Visual Design for Organizing Apprenticeship
*When*: Sept-Oct 2024
*What*: From concept to execution, learn how to create designs that
stand out, drive action, and help win campaigns. Earn SMT’s Certificate in
Visual Design for Organizing. Join 400+ alums from around the world who’ve
taken this 8-session apprenticeship where you’ll get tons of guidance,
feedback and support. Register by June 14 for the lowest rates.
On demand trainings
1. Online, on demand: Digital Fundraising Email Course
Posted by Paul Boag paul(a)boagworks.com
Boost your digital fundraising with a better donation page Your donation
page is the weak link in your digital fundraising. On average, only 16% of
those who visit a donation page go on to give. Imagine if you could
increase that by even a few percentage points.
With this course you will learn to Improve your conversion rate Improve
both the number and value of the donations you receive, as well as donor
lifetime value. Meet your digital fundraising targets Improve the
conversion rate of every digital fundraising campaign you run. All through
changing one point in the funnel. Increase campaign return on investment
Raise the total donations from your online fundraising campaigns. Do this
without raising your ad spend.
Find out more and signup at
1. How can organisations value lived experience in the right way?
Posted by Khudija - khudija(a)thesocialchangeagency.org
See the new Payment for Involvement Playbook
This is a comprehensive guide to everything organisations need to create a
fair and equitable payment for involvement policy. It
incorporates extensive research, best practice from a learning community of
over 170+ organisations, and insights from leading experts including the
National Institute for Health and Care Research, Citizens Advice and the
Department for Work and Pensions.
Platform and tool announcements
1. VotersAction.uk was launched today to help get out the vote for the
upcoming UK election. It enables people to send printed postcards to
voters they know to encourage them to vote. It has been made available in
14 languages (so far) to reflect not only the UK's official languages, but
many languages the voters speak. If you wish to have another language
added, let me know <duane(a)postbug.com>. Note they are machine translated
to get them up and then edits can be made to errors. This is powered by
*PostBug: get noticed by new MPs with printed postcards *PostBug.com is a
digital campaigning platform that enables your supporters to *send real
printed postcards and letters* from their device. For the UK general
election on July 4, once the new MPs are in place they will be bombarded
online in an attempt to engage and influence them and the government.
Printed postcards and letters get noticed because they are *physical,
tactile, portable with a presence* when designed well and piled up on a
desk or notice board. Plus less is more: it only takes a few to be noticed.
See possibilities <https://postbug.app/solutions> and case studies
<https://postbug.app/case-studies> and request a demo
<https://postbug.app/demo>. Note: PostBug will only take 15 client
actions in July to ensure they all have maximum impact.
(Disclosure: PostBug is run by FairSay)
PS: To have your event or announcement included, email me before Sunday
midnight (any time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.
Duane Raymond (pronouns: he/him)
FairSay - Making Campaigning Count
UK: +44 (0)207 993 4200
Switzerland: +41 (0)43 538 3641
Skype: fairsay
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/duane
Web: https://fairsay.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fairsay
FairSay is a ltd. company registered in England and Wales. Reg. No. 5244802
Hi everyone,
We have an incredible 220 people signed up for the ECF Zoom call next week
(June 25, 12:00 BST) on "Engaging the UK's post-election government
You can still sign up at (and learn more) at:
As part of the registration process, people are asked "What do you want to
learn from this online event? This input will be passed to Nancy to help
her prepare." and below are the answers registrants have given:
1. Get a refresh
2. refresher on rules and ideas
3. What should organisations be doing now to prepare?
4. What campaigning techniques and methods are going to be most
effective for a new govt?
5. how to influence first 100 days
6. Tactics to influence the new government (short term and long term)
7. Who do we target - MPs, civil servants, both?
8. How quickly are new MPs likely to have offices set up and be ready to
properly engage with contact from public/campaigns?
9. Techniques to engage new MPs
10. Any tips / advice from previous experience
11. Reflections on how to communicate differently
12. How to get cut through with new MPs
13. Insight on how to communicate with UK policymakers, how to advocate
our clients' work to them effectively.
14. As the title suggests - opportunities/risks there are from the
potential of a new party coming into Government
15. How to align charity campaigners with the tactics needed to
influence a new government.
16. Her thoughts on how campaign tactics may need to shift given
Labour’s position on social issues & engagement with the sector
17. Best Timings to engage new government
18. Most effective strategies for influencing and connecting with an
incoming government.
19. How an allied government will impact charities and their campaigning
20. effective ways to campaign post-election
21. The best approaches for smaller charities with fewer supporters and
lower budgets
22. How to influence a "more progressive government" that isn't really
that progressive
Many of you have expertise in this area as well, so Nancy will open the
hour with her experience, but then we will have not just a Q&A but a
discussion...so other expertise is welcome!
Andrew Torbert will also be on the call as support as he has experience as
he "worked at Greenpeace in New Zealand during (and after) the election of
Jacinda Ardern, which ended 9 years of Tory rule there and thus was a
complete change in government like the UK is facing if polls are accurate."
So if you still wish to join the ECF Zoom call next week (June 25, 12:00
BST) on "Engaging the UK's post-election government
You can still sign up at (and learn more) at:
Duane Raymond (pronouns: he/him)
FairSay - Making Campaigning Count
UK: +44 (0)207 993 4200
Switzerland: +41 (0)43 538 3641
Skype: fairsay
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/duane
Web: https://fairsay.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fairsay
FairSay is a ltd. company registered in England and Wales. Reg. No. 5244802
Hi everyone,
Here are the latest postings of ECF events, ECFer/sector-shared event, tool
and opportunity announcements. Note there are some fab in-person events
coming up in Cardiff and London...and *if you wish to organise your own
local ECF Re-Ignite event, let me know* and I can support you.
Join the events announcements-only list
<https://fairsayforum.com/join/lists/events.campaigningforum.com/> to only
get event and resource roundups directly without being part of the ECF
discussion list or other listing:
*Include your event or announcement *by emailing me (
duane.raymond(a)fairsay.com, subject: Event listing) *before Sunday
midnight* (GMT
time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.
Official Campaigning Forum events
1. *Online: Engaging the UK's post-election government
*Tue Jun 25 12:00-13:00 BST (Zoom). (205 registrations so far) Register*:
Polls suggest the UK General Election on July 4 will result in a change
in government. The last change was 14 years ago, many campaigners will
never have worked through a government transition. Speaker Nancy Platts has
30 years experience with campaigning under various governments, has run to
be an MP and has been active in local politics.
2. London: Playing the long game: a cool look at the expected change in
government <https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/>
*(*part of the monthly
*Campaigning 'Re-ignite' events) When:* Wed. Jun 26 18:00 onwards
*Register via Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/299950983/> or Luma
<https://lu.ma/london-reignite-2406>* (see all ECF events on Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> and Luma
*Overview: *Organisations are already working on their policy briefings
and demands for the first 100 days to present to the expected new
government. But after the party and the first rush of enthusiasm, what will
have changed? How can taking the long view lead to greater impact?
*Featured guest: *Benedict Southworth, 38 Degrees Trust board and former
Executive Director / Campaigns Director at NGOs including Global Justice
Now, Ramblers and Amnesty International, will lead the conversation.
*Why?*: Re-ignite events re-connect with peers and meet new people from
past ECF events, the community and professors, alumni and students of the
MA of Media, Campaigning and Social change (U. of Westminster): the host
(and partner).
3. *Cardiff*: Campaigning 'Re-ignite' event: Wed. Jul 9, 15:00, Wales
TUC Cymru offices
*Register via Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/301034554/> or Luma
<https://lu.ma/cardiff-reignite-2407>* (see all ECF events on Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> and Luma
The official ECF Community event in Cardiff. Re-connect with peers and
meet new people from past ECF events and the wider campaigning community.
Agenda: Welcome speaker, discussions on current topics, social.
4. *London: Campaigning 'Re-ignite' event:Wed. Jul 24
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> 6pm
*Register via Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/299950990/> or Luma
<https://lu.ma/london-reignite-2407>* (see all ECF events on Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> and Luma
*Agenda*: Welcome speaker, discussions on current topics, social.
*Topics*: the recent *election* is sure to be a hot topic at this meetup
*Why*: Re-connect with peers and meet new people from past ECF events,
the community and professors, alumni and students of the MA of Media,
Campaigning and Social change (U. of Westminster): the host (and partner).
5. *European Campaign Forum <https://campaignforum.eu/>: Oct 23-24,
The next ECF event is the European Campaign Forum in Berlin
<https://campaignforum.eu/> bringing together *participants from across
Europe*. Not only is Berlin easy to get to by train from all over
Europe, its central location means it has participants from countries all
around it and beyond. It is held in English, but participants are welcome
to switch to other languages if it suits the group participants.
6. *Save the date*: Campaigning Forum Oxford, *2025*: Apr 8-10
Partner events
1. *Sep 2024-Apr 2025: MA/Certificate in Media, Campaigning and Social
of Westminster). Enrol for this innovative course was founded by two ECFers
to create an academic course in campaigning - and has alumi from around the
world. Course lead Michaela O'Brien will be hosting ECF
Re-Ignite events in late May, June and July
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> if you wish to talk to her
about it and meet students/alumni.
Sector events
*Festival of Learning
<https://www.sounddelivery.org.uk/festival-of-learning/> - Harnessing the
insights of leaders with lived experience When*: June 11th-20th June
2024 *online*
*What*: A whole range of online masterclasses, learning lunches, peer
meet-ups, wellbeing sessions, and a very special keynote speaker. These
sessions will bring fresh skills, new inspiration, and best practice to
social purpose organisations, with lived experience expertise at the heart.
Tickets from just £25 and with a festival pass you can access it all. See
2. *London: Disinformation and media independence in the Western Balkans
*When*: Wed June 19 at 17:00 at 14 Great College Street, Westminster,
*What*: ARTICLE19 is hosting it on disinformation which is part of a
campaign that we have in Western Balkans. During this insightful gathering,
you’ll have the opportunity to engage with four distinguished journalists
from Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia, and Montenegro who are winners of ethical
journalism awards. They will delve into crucial topics such as the impact
of censorship and foreign interference on freedom of expression.
RSVP: https://www.article19.org/events/checkitfirst-london/
3. *Suffolk: Gentle Craftivism: Sarah P Corbett & Jesse Quinn
in conversation.
Wednesday 19th June 6:30pm-9pm at Old Jet Arts Centre, Bentwaters
Park, Rendlesham,
Suffolk, IP12 2TW
Award-winning activist, author and Ashoka Fellow Sarah P Corbett will be
in-conversation with Jesse Quin; multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter
and producer best known as the bass player of the alternative rock band
Keane. Jesse also founded and runs the arts centre on an abandoned U.S. Air
Force base in the English countryside called Old Jet will host this special
They will be discussing the power of creativity and community to make
positive change in our messy world drawing on Sarah's new book, The
Craftivist Collective handbook as well as Jesse's experiences in the arts
and social enterprise. Topics covered will include the creative process in
gentle craftivism planning, how we can use many senses for solidarity when
addressing social change and the power of communal events (which musicians
know all too well at their gigs!). All are welcome, especially artists who
are looking to use their passion and skills for positive change in our
fragile world. Book here:
(including free tickets available).
4. *London: Election Tech Meetup 5 <https://lu.ma/wscf6gyy>*
*When*: Wed June 19 19:00 at Newspeak House
*What*: With the election very much underway, we're getting the gang
together! Come along for short talks on election tech and to find a project
to get stuck into. Talks are followed by an unconference format. If you'd
like to talk about your project, tell Richard in the WhatsApp group Join
the WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/KjM4onZAg4U60FAm89XRQW
*RSVP*: https://lu.ma/wscf6gyy
5. Online: How to use digital engagement to mobilize power with Vanessa
When: June 20, 18:00 BST, 13:00 EST (free)
Posted by Steve Anderson steve(a)newmode.net
What: Get hands on training from a digital campaigning expert who has worked
at Greenpeace, Caring Across Generations, Stand.Earth, SEIU 1021 and Amnesty
International USA. In this 45-minute training, we'll run through the ins
and out of using "engagement strategy" to build power for your campaign.
6. *Dorset: Gentle Craftivism: Sarah P Corbett & Simon Constantine in
Sunday 30th June 6pm-8pm at Careys Secret Garden, BH20 7PG
Award-winning activist, author and Ashoka Fellow Sarah P Corbett will be
in-conversation with founder of Careys Secret Garden Simon Constantine who
is also the founder of And Fragrance. All of Simon's and Sarah's ventures
are all about creating positive solutions to the problems we face in a
world in a world of fear and confusion.
We will be discussing the power of the senses for positive action and
wellbeing sharing their own stories and knowledge in this field. Topics
covered will include the creative process in gentle craftivism planning,
how we can use many senses for solidarity when addressing social change and
the power of communal events. Book here:
https://www.tickettailor.com/events/craftivistcollective/1227819 (including
free tickets available) Part of a UK book tour:
7. *London: The Art (And Craft) of Gentle Protest: Sarah P Corbett
in-conversation with Jon Alexander
Tue 2nd July 6pm-7:15pm at The Conduit Club, 6 Langley St, London WC2H
Award-winning activist, author and Ashoka Fellow Sarah P Corbett will be
in-conversation with founder of Careys Secret Garden Simon Constantine who
is also the founder of And Fragrance. All of Simon's and Sarah's ventures
are all about creating positive solutions to the problems we face in a
world in a world of fear and confusion.
We will be discussing the power of the senses for positive action and
wellbeing sharing their own stories and knowledge in this field. Topics
covered will include the creative process in gentle craftivism planning,
how we can use many senses for solidarity when addressing social change and
the power of communal events. Book here:
free tickets available) Part of a UK book tour:
8. Berlin: Campaigners & Digital folk meet-up
*When*: Thursday July 4, 7pm CET (and first Thursday of each month)
Join: contact Paula Bonfatti paulabonfatti(a)gmail.com
*Location*: TBC (last one was at workish.berlin - Harzer Str. 39, 12059
*Who are we?: *We are a group of campaigners, digital strategists,
organisers, fundraisers and comms people in Berlin from various places of
the world. What unites us is an interest in creating a community where
people can get together in person, share experience and build knowledge.
*What's the input/presentation?*: Anti-oppressive organisational
practice, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging - what lies at the
core of these approaches and how can we be agents of change within our
organisations? Gabi Rosenstreich will share some insights and discuss these
questions with us.
9. *Online*: Visual Design for Organizing Apprenticeship
*When*: Sept-Oct 2024
*What*: From concept to execution, learn how to create designs that
stand out, drive action, and help win campaigns. Earn SMT’s Certificate in
Visual Design for Organizing. Join 400+ alums from around the world who’ve
taken this 8-session apprenticeship where you’ll get tons of guidance,
feedback and support. Register by June 14 for the lowest rates.
1. How can organisations value lived experience in the right way?
Posted by Khudija - khudija(a)thesocialchangeagency.org
See the new Payment for Involvement Playbook
This is a comprehensive guide to everything organisations need to create a
fair and equitable payment for involvement policy. It
incorporates extensive research, best practice from a learning community of
over 170+ organisations, and insights from leading experts including the
National Institute for Health and Care Research, Citizens Advice and the
Department for Work and Pensions.
Platform and tool announcements
1. UK PPC / Election Candidates available on Do Gooder
Posted by David Gravina david(a)dogooder.co
A few months back, folks were asking about candidate targeting in the UK
election. The consensus at the time was it was a bit early due to the
candidate data being sparse. UK civil society is very lucky to have the
legends at Democracy Club <https://democracyclub.org.uk/> doing the
heavy lifting to produce the candidate data. It takes no time to set these
up on Do Gooder. See the live campaign by Crustacean Compassion …
Just hit me up if you want to set one up for your campaign or issue:
*PostBug: get noticed by new MPs with printed postcards *PostBug.com is a
digital campaigning platform that enables your supporters to *send real
printed postcards and letters* from their device. For the UK general
election on July 4, once the new MPs are in place they will be bombarded
online in an attempt to engage and influence them and the government.
Printed postcards and letters get noticed because they are *physical,
tactile, portable with a presence* when designed well and piled up on a
desk or notice board. Plus less is more: it only takes a few to be noticed.
See possibilities <https://postbug.app/solutions> and case studies
<https://postbug.app/case-studies> and request a demo
<https://postbug.app/demo>. Note: PostBug will only take 15 client
actions in July to ensure they all have maximum impact.
(Disclosure: PostBug is run by FairSay)
PS: To have your event or announcement included, email me before Sunday
midnight (any time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.
Duane Raymond (pronouns: he/him)
FairSay - Making Campaigning Count
UK: +44 (0)207 993 4200
Switzerland: +41 (0)43 538 3641
Skype: fairsay
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/duane
Web: https://fairsay.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fairsay
FairSay is a ltd. company registered in England and Wales. Reg. No. 5244802
Hi again,
Here are the latest postings of ECF events, ECFer/sector-shared event, tool
and opportunity announcements.
Join the events announcements-only list
<https://fairsayforum.com/join/lists/events.campaigningforum.com/> to only
get event and resource roundups directly without being part of the ECF
discussion list or other listing:
To have your event or announcement included, email me (
duane.raymond(a)fairsay.com, subject: Event listing) before Sunday
midnight (any time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.
Official Campaigning Forum events
1. *Online*: UK Election Voter 'get out the vote' Coordination, sharing
and learning,
Tue June 11, 16:00 BST (Zoom)
*What?: *A weekly call for everyone interested in and/or working to get
out the vote (GOTV) for the UK 20204 election. This can be in a personal or
professional capacity: all are welcome! We'll share what we are each doing
in GOTV work and where there might be collaboration.
*Why?: *Encouraging supporters to be voters is one of the most impactful
actions an organisation can do. Even if an organisation cannot endorse a
candidate or party, the shared values often mean the choices are clear.
Furthermore voting means that supporters are more likely to be engaged in
post election engagement of the new government and MPs.
*Opportunity*: share what you are doing, ask for input, share
research/learning, invite collaborators, etc.
2. *Online*: UK Election Voter Nudge Coordination, sharing and learning,
Tue June 18, 16:00 BST (Zoom)
*What?: *A weekly call for everyone interested in and/or working to get
out the vote (GOTV) for the UK 20204 election. This can be in a personal or
professional capacity: all are welcome! We'll share what we are each doing
in GOTV work and where there might be collaboration.
*Why?: *Encouraging supporters to be voters is one of the most impactful
actions an organisation can do. Even if an organisation cannot endorse a
candidate or party, the shared values often mean the choices are clear.
Furthermore voting means that supporters are more likely to be engaged in
post election engagement of the new government and MPs.
*Opportunity*: share what you are doing, ask for input, share
research/learning, invite collaborators, etc.
3. *Online: Engaging the UK's post-election government
*Tue Jun 25 12:00-13:00 BST (Zoom). (190 registrations so far) Register*:
Polls suggest the UK General Election on July 4 will result in a change
in government. The last change was 14 years ago, many campaigners will
never have worked through a government transition. Speaker Nancy Platts has
30 years experience with campaigning under various governments, has run to
be an MP and has been active in local politics.
4. *Online*: UK Election Voter Nudge Coordination, sharing and learning,
Tue June 25, 16:00 BST (Zoom)
*What?: *A weekly call for everyone interested in and/or working to get
out the vote (GOTV) for the UK 20204 election. This can be in a personal or
professional capacity: all are welcome! We'll share what we are each doing
in GOTV work and where there might be collaboration.
*Why?: *Encouraging supporters to be voters is one of the most impactful
actions an organisation can do. Even if an organisation cannot endorse a
candidate or party, the shared values often mean the choices are clear.
Furthermore voting means that supporters are more likely to be engaged in
post election engagement of the new government and MPs.
*Opportunity*: share what you are doing, ask for input, share
research/learning, invite collaborators, etc.
*London: Campaigning 'Re-ignite' event: Wed. Jun 26
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> **Register via Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/299950983/> or Luma
<https://lu.ma/london-reignite-2406>* (see all ECF events on Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> and Luma
*Agenda*: Welcome speaker, discussions on current topics, social.
*Topics*: the imminent *election* is sure to be a hot topic at this
*Why*: Re-connect with peers and meet new people from past ECF events,
the community and professors, alumni and students of the MA of Media,
Campaigning and Social change (U. of Westminster): the host (and partner).
6. *Online*: UK Election Voter Nudge Coordination, sharing and learning,
Tue July 2, 16:00 BST (Zoom)
*What?: *A weekly call for everyone interested in and/or working to get
out the vote (GOTV) for the UK 20204 election. This can be in a personal or
professional capacity: all are welcome! We'll share what we are each doing
in GOTV work and where there might be collaboration.
*Why?: *Encouraging supporters to be voters is one of the most impactful
actions an organisation can do. Even if an organisation cannot endorse a
candidate or party, the shared values often mean the choices are clear.
Furthermore voting means that supporters are more likely to be engaged in
post election engagement of the new government and MPs.
*Opportunity*: share what you are doing, ask for input, share
research/learning, invite collaborators, etc.
7. *Cardiff*: Campaigning 'Re-ignite' event: Wed. Jul 9, 15:00, Wales
TUC Cymru offices
*Register via Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/301034554/> or Luma
<https://lu.ma/cardiff-reignite-2407>* (see all ECF events on Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> and Luma
The official ECF Community event in Cardiff. Re-connect with peers and
meet new people from past ECF events and the wider campaigning community.
Agenda: Welcome speaker, discussions on current topics, social.
8. *London: Campaigning 'Re-ignite' event:Wed. Jul 24
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> 6pm
*Register via Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/299950990/> or Luma
<https://lu.ma/london-reignite-2407>* (see all ECF events on Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> and Luma
*Agenda*: Welcome speaker, discussions on current topics, social.
*Topics*: the recent *election* is sure to be a hot topic at this meetup
*Why*: Re-connect with peers and meet new people from past ECF events,
the community and professors, alumni and students of the MA of Media,
Campaigning and Social change (U. of Westminster): the host (and partner).
9. *European Campaign Forum <https://campaignforum.eu/>: Oct 23-24,
The next ECF event is the European Campaign Forum in Berlin
<https://campaignforum.eu/> bringing together *participants from across
Europe*. Not only is Berlin easy to get to by train from all over
Europe, its central location means it has participants from countries all
around it and beyond. It is held in English, but participants are welcome
to switch to other languages if it suits the group participants.
10. *Save the date*: Campaigning Forum Oxford, *2025*: Apr 8-10
Partner events
1. *Sep 2024-Apr 2025: MA/Certificate in Media, Campaigning and Social
of Westminster). Enrol for this innovative course was founded by two ECFers
to create an academic course in campaigning - and has alumi from around the
world. Course lead Michaela O'Brien will be hosting ECF
Re-Ignite events in late May, June and July
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> if you wish to talk to her
about it and meet students/alumni.
Sector events
*London: Charity Change Summit, June 11 13:00-18:00 BST
<https://www.tickettailor.com/events/digitalleadership/1241171#> Posted by
Brani Milosevic brani(a)digitalleadership.ltd Step into a world of
transformative collaboration. Join an enriching afternoon packed with
learning, discussion, and hands-on problem-solving. Dive deep into our
design journey, from inception to insights, and discover practical tools to
ignite change within your nonprofit. Register now to reserve your spot
<https://www.tickettailor.com/events/digitalleadership/1241171#> and
connect with like-minded individuals dedicated to driving positive change
in the nonprofit sector. *
*Festival of Learning
<https://www.sounddelivery.org.uk/festival-of-learning/> - Harnessing the
insights of leaders with lived experience When*: June 11th-20th June
2024 *online*
*What*: A whole range of online masterclasses, learning lunches, peer
meet-ups, wellbeing sessions, and a very special keynote speaker. These
sessions will bring fresh skills, new inspiration, and best practice to
social purpose organisations, with lived experience expertise at the heart.
Tickets from just £25 and with a festival pass you can access it all. See
3. *Suffolk: Gentle Craftivism: Sarah P Corbett & Jesse Quinn
in conversation.
Wednesday 19th June 6:30pm-9pm at Old Jet Arts Centre, Bentwaters
Park, Rendlesham,
Suffolk, IP12 2TW
Award-winning activist, author and Ashoka Fellow Sarah P Corbett will be
in-conversation with Jesse Quin; multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter
and producer best known as the bass player of the alternative rock band
Keane. Jesse also founded and runs the arts centre on an abandoned U.S. Air
Force base in the English countryside called Old Jet will host this special
They will be discussing the power of creativity and community to make
positive change in our messy world drawing on Sarah's new book, The
Craftivist Collective handbook as well as Jesse's experiences in the arts
and social enterprise. Topics covered will include the creative process in
gentle craftivism planning, how we can use many senses for solidarity when
addressing social change and the power of communal events (which musicians
know all too well at their gigs!). All are welcome, especially artists who
are looking to use their passion and skills for positive change in our
fragile world. Book here:
(including free tickets available).
4. Online: How to use digital engagement to mobilize power with Vanessa
When: June 20, 18:00 BST, 13:00 EST (free)
Posted by Steve Anderson steve(a)newmode.net
What: Get hands on training from a digital campaigning expert who has worked
at Greenpeace, Caring Across Generations, Stand.Earth, SEIU 1021 and Amnesty
International USA. In this 45-minute training, we'll run through the ins
and out of using "engagement strategy" to build power for your campaign.
5. *Dorset: Gentle Craftivism: Sarah P Corbett & Simon Constantine in
Sunday 30th June 6pm-8pm at Careys Secret Garden, BH20 7PG
Award-winning activist, author and Ashoka Fellow Sarah P Corbett will be
in-conversation with founder of Careys Secret Garden Simon Constantine who
is also the founder of And Fragrance. All of Simon's and Sarah's ventures
are all about creating positive solutions to the problems we face in a
world in a world of fear and confusion.
We will be discussing the power of the senses for positive action and
wellbeing sharing their own stories and knowledge in this field. Topics
covered will include the creative process in gentle craftivism planning,
how we can use many senses for solidarity when addressing social change and
the power of communal events. Book here:
https://www.tickettailor.com/events/craftivistcollective/1227819 (including
free tickets available) Part of a UK book tour:
6. *London: The Art (And Craft) of Gentle Protest: Sarah P Corbett
in-conversation with Jon Alexander
Tue 2nd July 6pm-7:15pm at The Conduit Club, 6 Langley St, London WC2H
Award-winning activist, author and Ashoka Fellow Sarah P Corbett will be
in-conversation with founder of Careys Secret Garden Simon Constantine who
is also the founder of And Fragrance. All of Simon's and Sarah's ventures
are all about creating positive solutions to the problems we face in a
world in a world of fear and confusion.
We will be discussing the power of the senses for positive action and
wellbeing sharing their own stories and knowledge in this field. Topics
covered will include the creative process in gentle craftivism planning,
how we can use many senses for solidarity when addressing social change and
the power of communal events. Book here:
free tickets available) Part of a UK book tour:
7. Berlin: Campaigners & Digital folk meet-up
*When*: Thursday July 4, 7pm CET (and first Thursday of each month)
Join: contact Paula Bonfatti paulabonfatti(a)gmail.com
*Location*: TBC (last one was at workish.berlin - Harzer Str. 39, 12059
*Who are we?: *We are a group of campaigners, digital strategists,
organisers, fundraisers and comms people in Berlin from various places of
the world. What unites us is an interest in creating a community where
people can get together in person, share experience and build knowledge.
*What's the input/presentation?*: Anti-oppressive organisational
practice, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging - what lies at the
core of these approaches and how can we be agents of change within our
organisations? Gabi Rosenstreich will share some insights and discuss these
questions with us.
8. *Online*: Visual Design for Organizing Apprenticeship
*When*: Sept-Oct 2024
*What*: From concept to execution, learn how to create designs that
stand out, drive action, and help win campaigns. Earn SMT’s Certificate in
Visual Design for Organizing. Join 400+ alums from around the world who’ve
taken this 8-session apprenticeship where you’ll get tons of guidance,
feedback and support. Register by June 14 for the lowest rates.
1. How can organisations value lived experience in the right way?
Posted by Khudija - khudija(a)thesocialchangeagency.org
See the new Payment for Involvement Playbook
This is a comprehensive guide to everything organisations need to create a
fair and equitable payment for involvement policy. It
incorporates extensive research, best practice from a learning community of
over 170+ organisations, and insights from leading experts including the
National Institute for Health and Care Research, Citizens Advice and the
Department for Work and Pensions.
Platform and tool announcements
*PostBug: get noticed by new MPs with printed postcards *PostBug.com is a
digital campaigning platform that enables your supporters to *send real
printed postcards and letters* from their device. For the UK general
election on July 4, once the new MPs are in place they will be bombarded
online in an attempt to engage and influence them and the government.
Printed postcards and letters get noticed because they are *physical,
tactile, portable with a presence* when designed well and piled up on a
desk or notice board. Plus less is more: it only takes a few to be noticed.
See possibilities <https://postbug.app/solutions> and case studies
<https://postbug.app/case-studies> and request a demo
<https://postbug.app/demo>. Note: PostBug will only take 15 client
actions in July to ensure they all have maximum impact.
(Disclosure: PostBug is run by FairSay)
PS: To have your event or announcement included, email me before Sunday
midnight (any time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.
Duane Raymond (pronouns: he/him)
FairSay - Making Campaigning Count
UK: +44 (0)207 993 4200
Switzerland: +41 (0)43 538 3641
Skype: fairsay
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/duane
Web: https://fairsay.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fairsay
FairSay is a ltd. company registered in England and Wales. Reg. No. 5244802
Hi ECFers,
Here are the latest postings of ECF and ECFer-shared event, tool and
opportunity announcements.
Join the events announcements-only list
<https://fairsayforum.com/join/lists/events.campaigningforum.com/> to only
get event and resource roundups directly without being part of the ECF
discussion list or other listing:
To have your event or announcement included, email me (
duane.raymond(a)fairsay.com, subject: Event listing) before Sunday
midnight (any time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.
Official Campaigning Forum events
1. *Online: How to seek and find stories no matter your budget: an open
*Wed Jun 5 12:00-13:00 BST (Zoom). (126 registrations so far) Register*:
A discussion about being a storyteller in organisations and campaigns
based on a popular thread on the Campaigning Forum community email
discussion list with subject "Story officer" with:
- Brian Fitzgerald: Tips and Tricks for Story Finding: for Story
Officers, Story Teams, or Story Seekers;
- Emma Price: Tips and considerations for a fledgling story team;
- Katharine Voss: using people's stories, consent, risks, how you talk
about them.
These presentations are food for thought for discussing and a Q&A for
the remaining 35 minutes.
2. *Online: Engaging the UK's post-election government
*Tue Jun 25 12:00-13:00 BST (Zoom). (122 registrations so far) Register*:
Polls suggest the UK General Election on July 4 will result in a change
in government. The last change was 14 years ago, many campaigners will
never have worked through a government transition. Speakers TBC as the
original speaker has become a Labour PPC! Contact duane(a)fairsay.com if
you could be a replacement speaker.
*London: Campaigning 'Re-ignite' event: Wed. Jun 26
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> **Register via Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/299950983/> or Luma
<https://lu.ma/london-reignite-2406>* (see all ECF events on Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> and Luma
*Agenda*: Welcome speaker, discussions on current topics, social.
*Topics*: the imminent *election* is sure to be a hot topic at this
*Why*: Re-connect with peers and meet new people from past ECF events,
the community and professors, alumni and students of the MA of Media,
Campaigning and Social change (U. of Westminster): the host (and partner).
4. *Cardiff*: Campaigning 'Re-ignite' event: Wed. Jul 9, 15:00, Wales
TUC Cymru offices
*Register via Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/301034554/> or Luma
<https://lu.ma/cardiff-reignite-2407>* (see all ECF events on Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> and Luma
The official ECF Community event in Cardiff. Re-connect with peers and
meet new people from past ECF events and the wider campaigning community.
Agenda: Welcome speaker, discussions on current topics, social.
5. *London: Campaigning 'Re-ignite' event:Wed. Jul 24
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> 6pm
*Register via Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/events/299950990/> or Luma
<https://lu.ma/london-reignite-2407>* (see all ECF events on Meetup
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> and Luma
*Agenda*: Welcome speaker, discussions on current topics, social.
*Topics*: the recent *election* is sure to be a hot topic at this meetup
*Why*: Re-connect with peers and meet new people from past ECF events,
the community and professors, alumni and students of the MA of Media,
Campaigning and Social change (U. of Westminster): the host (and partner).
6. *European Campaign Forum <https://campaignforum.eu/>: Oct 23-24,
The next ECF event is the European Campaign Forum in Berlin
<https://campaignforum.eu/> bringing together *participants from across
Europe*. Not only is Berlin easy to get to by train from all over
Europe, its central location means it has participants from countries all
around it and beyond. It is held in English, but participants are welcome
to switch to other languages if it suits the group participants.
7. *Save the date*: Campaigning Forum Oxford, *2025*: Apr 8-10
Partner events
1. *Sep 2024-Apr 2025: MA/Certificate in Media, Campaigning and Social
of Westminster). Enrol for this innovative course was founded by two ECFers
to create an academic course in campaigning - and has alumi from around the
world. Course lead Michaela O'Brien will be hosting ECF
Re-Ignite events in late May, June and July
<https://www.meetup.com/campaigning-forum/> if you wish to talk to her
about it and meet students/alumni.
Sector events
*Bristol: Gentle Craftivism: Sarah P Corbett & Natalie Fee in conversation
<https://www.tickettailor.com/events/craftivistcollective/1220076> *
*Tuesday 4th June 6:30pm-9pm at Bristol Sparks. Award-winning activist,
author and Ashoka Fellow Sarah P Corbett will be in-conversation
with Natalie Fée, founder of City to Sea, campaigner and author of How to
Save the World for Free and Do Good, Get Paid. They will be discussing
Sarah's new book, The Craftivist Collective Handbook looking at the theory,
practical application and the impact it has had at a unique event. *Book
here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/craftivistcollective/1220076
*ng free tickets available). Part of a UK book
tour: https://www.craftivist-collective.com/events
<https://www.craftivist-collective.com/events> *
*London: Charity Change Summit, June 11 13:00-18:00 BST
<https://www.tickettailor.com/events/digitalleadership/1241171#> Posted by
Brani Milosevic brani(a)digitalleadership.ltd Step into a world of
transformative collaboration. Join an enriching afternoon packed with
learning, discussion, and hands-on problem-solving. Dive deep into our
design journey, from inception to insights, and discover practical tools to
ignite change within your nonprofit. Register now to reserve your spot
<https://www.tickettailor.com/events/digitalleadership/1241171#> and
connect with like-minded individuals dedicated to driving positive change
in the nonprofit sector. *
3. *Suffolk: Gentle Craftivism: Sarah P Corbett & Jesse Quinn
in conversation.
Wednesday 19th June 6:30pm-9pm at Old Jet Arts Centre, Bentwaters
Park, Rendlesham,
Suffolk, IP12 2TW
Award-winning activist, author and Ashoka Fellow Sarah P Corbett will be
in-conversation with Jesse Quin; multi-instrumentalist, singer, songwriter
and producer best known as the bass player of the alternative rock band
Keane. Jesse also founded and runs the arts centre on an abandoned U.S. Air
Force base in the English countryside called Old Jet will host this special
They will be discussing the power of creativity and community to make
positive change in our messy world drawing on Sarah's new book, The
Craftivist Collective handbook as well as Jesse's experiences in the arts
and social enterprise. Topics covered will include the creative process in
gentle craftivism planning, how we can use many senses for solidarity when
addressing social change and the power of communal events (which musicians
know all too well at their gigs!). All are welcome, especially artists who
are looking to use their passion and skills for positive change in our
fragile world. Book here:
(including free tickets available).
4. Online: How to use digital engagement to mobilize power with Vanessa
When: June 20, 18:00 BST, 13:00 EST (free)
Posted by Steve Anderson steve(a)newmode.net
What: Get hands on training from a digital campaigning expert who has worked
at Greenpeace, Caring Across Generations, Stand.Earth, SEIU 1021 and Amnesty
International USA. In this 45-minute training, we'll run through the ins
and out of using "engagement strategy" to build power for your campaign.
5. *Dorset: Gentle Craftivism: Sarah P Corbett & Simon Constantine in
Sunday 30th June 6pm-8pm at Careys Secret Garden, BH20 7PG
Award-winning activist, author and Ashoka Fellow Sarah P Corbett will be
in-conversation with founder of Careys Secret Garden Simon Constantine who
is also the founder of And Fragrance. All of Simon's and Sarah's ventures
are all about creating positive solutions to the problems we face in a
world in a world of fear and confusion.
We will be discussing the power of the senses for positive action and
wellbeing sharing their own stories and knowledge in this field. Topics
covered will include the creative process in gentle craftivism planning,
how we can use many senses for solidarity when addressing social change and
the power of communal events. Book here:
https://www.tickettailor.com/events/craftivistcollective/1227819 (including
free tickets available) Part of a UK book tour:
Suggested 3rd party events
1. Online: Influence: the Universal Skill - 40 Years of Robert
Cialdini's insights
*Mon Jun 10, 6.30-7.30 BST. *
From the ECFer who shared it: "When I worked in campaigning - Cialdini's
work had a massive impact on my work. "
Join a "fireside chat" with Robert Cialdini, author of the international
bestseller Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. Discover how
influence can be used to build and maintain strong, productive
relationships, navigate uncertainty in complex situations, and turn
intention into action.
1. Accelerator programme - deadline midnight June 3rd
Posted by Jerome jerome(a)breakthroughimpact.org
The Accelerator Programme is a year-long bootcamp that equips
campaigners with the skills, strategy, and support they need to make
lasting transformational change. Click here to apply or find out more about
our Accelerator: https://breakthroughimpact.org/accelerator-2024/
Platform and tool announcements
*PostBug: get noticed by new MPs with printed postcards *PostBug.com is a
digital campaigning platform that enables your supporters to *send real
printed postcards and letters* from their device. For the UK general
election on July 4, once the new MPs are in place they will be bombarded
online in an attempt to engage and influence them and the government.
Printed postcards and letters get noticed because they are *physical,
tactile, portable with a presence* when designed well and piled up on a
desk or notice board. Plus less is more: it only takes a few to be noticed.
See possibilities <https://postbug.app/solutions> and case studies
<https://postbug.app/case-studies> and request a demo
<https://postbug.app/demo>. Note: PostBug will only take 15 client
actions in July to ensure they all have maximum impact.
(Disclosure: PostBug is run by FairSay)
PS: To have your event or announcement included, email me before Sunday
midnight (any time zone) as I compile them and send it out every Monday.